For every person, and every family, it is important for the material well-being.
Money is an amulet called in to design the house of wealth and fortune, and help out with the hard of setting up and maintaining the financial situation.
How to work for money to a pet
Lucky charms for money, they have the ability to impact positively on the owner of the airfield with a focus on the energy of the wave.
With this costume, you can buy or make with their own hands, but the most important thing is your faith in the fact that the artifact to bring him to life.
If you don't believe in your ability, it is not a magic that does not happen.
With the right approach, the character will have skills in:
- for the money;
- to set up the consciousness of the attainment of wealth.
- to create a home environment conducive for the money, the richness of the atmosphere:
- to protect against loss and theft;
- to protect the user from ill-considered costs;
- to help you find a new source of income.
How to make a money costume for you
Of course, the effect is better than ever before, is to have a mascot character, created by your own hands.
They can be used for yourself or put it in your wallet. With the self-manufacture of pet of a man, fills him with the energy and the aura for this reason, it is important to create such a creature with positive thoughts.
There are many different types of charms than wealth, so that everyone can choose their own flavor and color.
IMPORTANT! It is best not to rely on any one thing about her, depicting the legendary creature that, if not, it might dilute their power, or to the evil eye.
The ranks of the horde trinket

According to the legend, during the Gold rush of the Hordes of genghis khan, he received a gift of a coin from a warrior of the nomadic tribes.
She had an amazing power, and it flowed into the treasury, the khan's treasures, and it seemed as if there were no limits.
But one day, the treasurer has lost a precious coin, and the magic of the fortification had disappeared: and the russians, and of the princes, had refused to pay the Tatar-mongols tribute and a revolt against you.
The horde charm that attracts wealth and protects it from decay.
To make this amulet, you will need to:
- the coin of the yellow metal (and the best one is the old one);
- the chain or cable.
The production method is very simple: you need to get the currency string cross-over, and the player is ready to go.
It should not be used in shells: cover up your magical amulet under her clothes.
The find of a coin
The influence of the various fyke charms, for example, is to be found in a coin.
If you have found the path of the coin, it is possible to make money with the amulet of kings, which is the perfect place to load up on the stock market.
But if you find a coin on the cross, then, is to turn it into a cologne for an artifact, it is not possible.
This is due to the fact that the coins hold a lot of rituals for the release of all kinds of evil, and a cast of enchanted money at the intersection.
To clear up the currency of power by the previous owner and get it back in a form that is required to perform the following ritual:
- at midnight, in the phase of the moon is increasing, it is necessary to light a candle (it is better to do it in the night from Wednesday to Thursday);
- so to speak, of a coin seven times, saying, "the Currency, when I say," I will draw the lucky one. The rest of the way for me to find, and even more frustration. My words are strong, and the fire has burned out, yes, the faith is strengthened".
- wait until the candle is going to burn up in the end
- shock set up – it can now be used by someone charged with a coin on the desk.
Decorative mouse

This is more of a fyke charm and decorative small mouse. At the time of our ancestors, the slavs of the mouse was a symbol of wealth and abundance.
This is the same value that it had, and in China, and a meeting with either the mouse or the mouse is considered to be a sign for the day.
So, you can set up this mouse in your wallet-where it's going to return.
Hard to kill the mouse, it will prevent the owner from excessive costs-and from theft, and it's going to be successful in the workplace.
Manufacturing monetary with the mouse, it can be made of stone, wood, or metal.
To upload a form you will need to say the following words: "Rat, I'm going to live, money to go."
Jinxed us dollar
If you turn in a pet driver's license is not only a currency, but the paper note.
It is believed that the one depicted on the us dollar the masonic triangle with the property of cash to.
To speak to a bill, you must do the following:
- put a dollar a portrait of Washington for the above:
- fold it in half, in order to select the row of the note;
- in the upper-left corner of the stand, and then fold it into the tip of it touches the line,
- the same is with the left side of the sitting area, he has teamed up with the top;
- on the right-hand side of the kink along the diagonal, and therefore, the pyramid has remained at the top;
- the temple and the rest of the angle is on the inside, resulting in a triangle shape.
- costume is ready, keep it in your pocket.
The Imperial costume
With Imperial charm, has an interesting history. Once it's done, the monk, the young Peter, you just became the emperor.
All night long they worked on the creation of an artifact or a monk, you have an imperial currency to a prayer.
In the morning, when the work was completed, charged with the power of prayer, the amulet was presented to Peter I, and then the monk said to the emperor: "From this day forward, you shall be untouchable, luck will abandon you, and the riches that it won't be the last! To be with you, Lord!".
With all of the Novels and wore it like a charm.
Imperial amulet that has the ability to:
- the recover of the debtor;
- to contribute to your success in the business.
- to provide the highest high status to its owner of the aerodrome;
How to make an imperial costume:
- get ready for a coin, a candle, and a red-and-tear to the leather, to the fabric;
- the full moon lit up the candle and pick up the coin;
- closing your eyes, and think of the in the to wealth, and you put a coin on the cloth;
- let it sit for a night out on the ledge of the window, by the light of the moon,
- the next night, put a package of tissue, and the coins, to himself under a pillow.
- the game is now, you can use it.
ATTENTION! By taking advantage of the money-form, you can't use it on the outside, and even more so to take the play to other people.
One more shock for the money, spoon, Zagrebacka. It rakes the money in the purse of his master.
The ancestors, they thought, to bear the symbol of abundance and wealth. The best thing about this amulet, the appropriate silver spoon, because silver, in the past it served as protection against the spoilage and the evil eye, and delivered to the person from the negative situations in life.
Use a spoon for the soup you'll need inside your wallet or in a pocket. To give you a scoop and transport properties for you to wealth, you will have to tell you of the plot: "the Scoop in the bag, it lives, it is the money itself, he is, I'll go with you, friends, happiness, and prosperity in your life".
The costume is in need of a clean up ideal the regular. Several times a year, to do a ritual to it:
- pour it in a glass of water, and to the best of the spring or of holy.
- add a pinch of salt;
- place a spoonful of the soup into the water and let it sit for a night,
- the next morning, wash it off, the creature from the water.
Money is the key
A very good shock for the money is the money of key.
To make this amulet you will need:
- the purchase of a new lock and key to it;
- to clean bought it on the spot where the stored money;
- the next morning, if you get a hold of the key, and inserted it into the portfolio, and the castle and leave it in place.
How to make a money in the round
In addition to personal use, you can either send the money with the power of the mascot in the state of pará, for money, or just store it in there.
And, as in the case of the wearable e fyke, home, money, costume, the best thing you can do with your own two hands.
We are going to explain what talismans can be made to make the home an atmosphere of material well-being.
The miracle bag
Our slavic ancestors have used the bag attached to the belt, to the store save.
In addition to this, the wealth that they had created for the gold, which is similar to a stock exchange.
We will describe the process of creating such a miracle to have prepared:
- you need to take the fabric and sew it to a bag;
- put in the coins of different denominations, from one dollar to Russian ruble;
- put 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil and fill the bag up to the rim;
- tie a strand of wool and pull it in some hidden place.
HELP!! In some cases, you may wish to take a spin on to boost your monetary power
Encryption system for notes and
It is a form of personal note from the owner, which is stored in a hidden place in the corner of your house.
To make a costume, you will need to pick up a bill with all the numbers you need, or only partially found in their date of birth.
In order to create it, you need to:
- make a note of this in the face;
- in the fall, with oil of bergamot and it to gather a little straw;
- roll up to the line of the green and tie in with the triple-a's web site;
- put into a sprig of dried sage;
- the seal on the bill of a green wax candle;
- clean out the hole of the nook in your home.
Throughout the art of feng shui
The chinese amulet on the technique of feng shui, are all too common.
They are very different figures, animals, people, plants, and all sorts of positive aspects.
Pets give their owner the aerodrome of luck, good health, love, and prolong your life.
Of course, the wise chinese people created it, and the good luck charms and amulets. Here's where you can buy or make more.
Threelegged toad

This animal in China, lives in many of the rice fields, and they are deeply, deeply honored.
Since ancient times, the frog is a symbol of the wealth and well-being.
This is related to the chinese descriptions, in which he talks about the evil, holding on to one of the three legs of the frog, worked, just very interesting.
But it wasn't her that it was the practice of the crime, it is able to tame him, the Buddha, and he commanded to help people.
Now, in the wonderful purges away their sin, and delivered from the clutches of a gold coin. And a mascot for the richness of the frog, holding it in the jaws of a coin.
When you buy, to the monetary the reality is, it is necessary to consider a number of factors:
- the best material for this moment – to jade;
- it must be a coating of gold.
- the coin in the mouth of an animal, you can take it and put it in the story above:
- in the eyes of a frog, it should be red:
- do bear in mind that the creature should be designed with the set.
Also, there are a few rules regarding the use of the hole;
- to facilitate the need to place a frog in a pond, in the worst case – the water spray;
- put it in the front door, his back to her,
- this creature has a fear of heights, so it's not worth to fix it at the top of the shelf.
Braided bracelet
Very convenient to the amulet and the money will make a bracelet with your own hands.
To start with, you need to:
- take a wire, or wires, green, yellow, and red, which indicate the wealth, health and love, respectively.
- the bracelet you need to weave in the time of the full moon;
- for the network to think about the performance of his wishes;
- so, now you can put a bow tie on a hand or a foot.
Khotey – character in japanese mythology, the god of wealth, well-being, and fun.
It is placed in the home to take advantage of the strength of god, and to bring it back to the house for the money.
The material from which it is made, the player does not matter, as the choice of your taste.
Figure of Hotei best to stay close to the entrance, and stroke it in your stomach each and every time you need to get out of the house.

The stones, for the well-being and good luck
The stones, which are set up in the lure of money, then you can take it with them, and helping them with the decorations. Here are all of the stones have a this is a property in cologne.
- it will provide the master of a permanent income for the people.
- we arrived in the person of any age and gender;
- the strengthening of the owner, of the quality of a leader;
- give its popularity and glory.
- fill up on strength and give you more energy;
- it helps you to choose the right one.
- to keep out of poverty or to deliver him out of it;
- it gives you want to the money;
- to strengthen it can boost the immunity and help in fighting the disease.
- it helps the pregnant woman to give birth to a healthy baby.
- favor of the owner of the airfield from the house of luxury;
- to keep the of the mass;
- it will give the owner strength and brings good luck.
ATTENTION! To enhance the effect of the stone, it is recommended to wrap up the gold.
How to make talismans of the plant
The plants have different transport properties and that they can bring in a person's life, many of the positives of a transportation and real estate.
To create an charm you need to place the assembly of the herbs that you choose from in the stock market.
The different plants and transport properties of different
- dill interprets the passion, and prosperity, to help the owner achieve success.
- nail your nice winnings.
- thyme: attracts money, the use of universal values;
- the sauce is to protect the house from heaven, and the love and the good luck;
- ginger helps in the fight against the evil spirits;
- margaret is going to give you the money in the hands of a loved one;
- verbena can help combat insomnia, and to increase the it can increase the immunity;
- the large flowers of the peony drawn on wealth.
- greatly contribute to the rise of a stair;
- it helps you in the matters of the business.
A Slave to the media from the plants
We're going to talk about with a power cable and a house with the charm of the cinnamon, ginger, eucalyptus, and pine.
To start with, you need to:
- to prepare the cinnamon, ginger root, eucalyptus, and a small bunch of são josé dos pinhais;
- mix all the plants together, and pound in mortar and pestle;
- place the mixture in a bag;
- to tie in the green floss and put it in a prominent place.
Costume with black pepper
This charm is applied, in a time-and promote a thriving, close, or lucky in the lottery.
For the realization of the need to:
- prepare a sheet of white paper, the upper vessel of the glass, and black pepper;
- wait until the moon is full and you leave it in the pot in the light of the moon;
- the next morning, write it on a piece of money in the necessary amount to you.
- pick up your paper into a tube and place it in a bowl in the top to sprinkle with pepper;
- shake the pan and cover it in a dark place.
The activation of charms
If you don't have the money to form it is necessary to do so, if not, it's just a decoration.
- take a red cloth, the best size, and the wrap costume;
- you wait for one-night-of-crescent-moon-and place it under a window so the light of the moon.
How to choose the purse with the money in the power
There are a number of factors that will help your wallet to become a magnet to money.
You can not only buy, but to make a handbag with your hands.
It is important to consider the following:
- the material in the portfolio should be of the old and the new;
- it is not a small bag. the money you have in it are freely placed;
- the appropriate colors – red, white, blue, red, yellow, or brown;
- the storing of the banknotes and coins of the best of the best in the various departments.
HELP!! You can open up a wallet on the street, in the phase of the moon on the rise. It is believed that the youth of the month brings you prosperity.
We hope that you have learned all I wanted to do, about the money, pet friendly.